Wednesday, May 28, 2008

When you can't trace His hand...

I have been following a particular woman's blog for several weeks now. While I don't remember how I came across her blog originally, I do know why I continue to read as she is processing an event that many of us cannot even begin to comprehend. I have also hesitated to mention it on here because her story is not for the faint of heart, nor is it an easy read even for those who trust in God's sovereignty.

The story of Audrey Caroline Smith is one that has become more and more known through the networking of friends and others who are part of the blogging world. I was drawn to this story not only because I have historically been a huge fan of Selah, but also because of how candid Angie is in expressing how she is getting through each day without her fourth daughter present to touch and see and hear. This testimony has reminded me more than anything has in quite some time of just how fragile life is and how much we take those we love for granted. Not only that, but I have been reminded of how fragile the process of carrying and giving life to a baby truly is. I have been reminded of my own questions regarding childbirth, those related to my medical condition that make me wonder if I should even try. And these are questions removed from the potential for any other difficulties such as infertility. I am also reminded of why we were created, and why only One is deserving of praise for what He has done and for whatever He is doing even when our feeble minds can't comprehend.

I frequent Angie's blog, and today was no different as I had a couple of minutes here at work to browse around. Little did I know that I would read about yet another unimaginable event that has affected this precious family so soon after the loss they have already experienced.

Most of you reading this have already heard about the news of the Chapman family's great loss. May these fellow brothers and sisters, some of whom we may never meet in this lifetime, compel us to prayer and praise to the awesome God who has created us. Every breath and every detail of what we are faced with and given are from His hand. In my limited comprehension of such tragic events, I can only speak from my own experiences to such individuals. But there is great hope in knowing that we aren't left to rely on our own understanding.

Be still my soul the Lord is on your side
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain
Leave to thy God to order and provide
In every change He faithful will remain.
Be still my soul thy best, thy heavenly friend
Through stormy ways leads to a joyful end.
Be still my soul the waves and winds still know, still know
His voice who ruled them while he dwelt below.
(arrangment by Nicol Smith Sponberg and Allan Hall on the album Be Still My Soul)


Adrian said...

Didn't you love her post on breaking the pottery? How beautifully vulnerable.

Eryn said...

I read it all in one sitting, and just cried. She has such a way with words. I'm glad you shared.

gracelaced said...

i've read that blog as well, and was praying these same things for each of these families. there's no doubt the Lord's doing a work in these lives and others, the fruit of which we can't even fathom right now.

Stephanie Robertson said...

These tragedies lately are just about more than I can bear. I have been in somewhat of a somber mood lately in light of all of this. I have had to remind myself that the Lord has ordained the exact number of our days before we were born... and there isn't anything that we can do to add or take away from those days. If only remembering that would take away the fear of those who don't want to lose, and the pain of those who have lost.