Friday, September 17, 2010

Favorite Photo(s) Friday!

We had a sweet gathering on Tuesday night, a first for the women's ministry at our new church home: Ladies Dessert Night!

I have been so thankful for this church merger, not only for all of the potential my husband and I see, but because the Lord has continually used this as a means to remind me of the wonderful women in my life. Tuesday night was especially sweet as it was such a picture of Titus 2 - older women encouraging and teaching the young. We heard so many wonderful stories from these women who have been wives and mothers, and who have lived in this neighborhood their entire lives. One lady told us of being five years old when her family joined the church, that all of her children were married at Franklin, and that she now lives in the house her father built in the 1930s. Another woman told us of her nine children (one girl and eight boys!), and how she and her husband were compelled to take in a child from the neighborhood who had lost his family. So much history, so much to take in and from which we can learn so much! I pray that such fellowship continues to grow in the days and months and years to come!

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