Boys talking about stuff (no idea, I was just snapping random shots) ~
Mrs. P was working hard in the kitchen. We were welcome to bring side dishes and desserts, but she provided the majority of the delicious food. This truly is a woman with the gift of hospitality!
This is only part of the gigantic table (actually three tables put together!) that we congregated around. Following dinner, we were each instructed to open up one of the plastic eggs that served as the centerpiece display. Each egg contained two questions that we went around the table and answered~
The kids constantly want to sit in Dr. P's lap! As we were going around answering the questions from our eggs, the kids one by one walked over and requested to sit with him~
As we waited for coffee and dessert, Dr. P read to us from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. He read my favorite part of the book, when Susan and Lucy go to find Aslan after he has been killed. They discover that he is no longer there, and suddenly appears to them in glorious splendor. What an breathtaking illustration of Christ's resurrection and our new life which was only possible through Him.
Dr. P reading to us from Benjamin's Box, a wonderful children's story that comes with visual aids in order to tell the story of Jesus' death and resurrection.
Yes, this is the number of people who gathered together at the "Party Palace"! We have been extremely encouraged and welcomed thus far, not just at the church, but by this small group as well. Today was a sweet time of simply spending time with one another, and celebration Christ through our fellowship together. By His wounds we were healed, and by His blood we have fellowship with one another~
You look adorable!
I am so happy that you and Bob have such a group of people to celebrate the Lord with. It is such a blessing to have that community in your lives. Enjoy every minute of it! :)
That is awesome! I hope someday to be able to open our home to all who need it! What questions were in the eggs? Were they all different or the same two questions? I think that is a great idea!
That looks soooooo fun!!!!! So happy that you two could celebrate your first REAL holiday in STYLE and with the Spirit of the Lord all over it! ; )
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