Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Wordless Wednesday! (My Freebie from the Scrapbook Convention)


Mike and Katie said...

Yea for fun connections through blogging! It was good to hear from you.

Thanks for your comment! I am not actually sure about Calvinism in the Carolinas...good question! Still figuring this area out, I guess. I thought it was an interesting fact because (perhaps in ignorance??), I had thought that the trend(lack of a better word here) of Calvinist theology in Baptist circles was relatively new, and that the "Mother church," being so old, would have been at least historically closer to Armenianism...

I also really enjoyed looking through your blog...don't know how I've missed it! sounds like we are on similarly-timed journeys! And I happened to notice that we must love much of the same musicians. :) If you'd ever like more in-depth encouragement from our church job search, I would love to tell you more. Adrian has my email. :)

Ashley said...

How cute!!