Monday, November 17, 2008

So This is Love...

My husband was up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed long before I was this morning. By the time I eventually left the house for work, running late as is usual, I had a happy grin on my face. Just to name a few of the reasons why:
  • He knows that I'm the Queen of Snooze... my alarm is set for 6:00am, but I normally don't roll out from under the covers until 6:45. He came in at 6:30 and messed with me until I woke up. Though I was my usual cranky and whiney self, he was persistent until my toes were touching the floor.
  • When he came and woke me up, he said very sweetly, "I pressed the button." I always prepare the coffeepot the night before, and this is the request I often give him in the morning when I'm running late (every morning) and need him to turn on the coffeepot. I panicked when he said he pressed the button because I forgot to actually prepare the coffeepot last night! After I said, "No no no no, there's nothing in there, go turn it off, go turn it off!" he informed me that he went online to learn how to prepare coffee. He got instructions off of some website and made my coffee for me! And I'll happily admit, it was better than mine usually is...
  • As I was running out the door, he was beginning the process of cleaning out and organizing one of the four closets we have been avoiding for quite some time now. I rarely ever ask him for specific chores around the house while I am at work since he has so many demands with his schoolwork, but he took it upon himself to start digging in because he knew it would be such a meaningful gesture for me to come home and not have to think about the chaos that is our coat closet
  • And last but not least in the grand scheme of sweet little random acts, he packed my lunch this morning since I was running late (did I already mention how often I'm running late?). When I got to work this morning, I noticed that he added in a little snack baggy of mini marshmallows..yep, he knows the little things in life that make me smile.


Carissa said...

Wow what a blessing! I bet you will be glowing for days.......... I'm sure tonight will be blissful when you get home.

Ashley said...

Awww...the simple joys of marriage!

BreAnna Fowler said...

What a good man you have! Thanks for sharing such a special morning with us. It reminds me to be thankful for my sweet hubby too.

Amanda said...

oh my goodness!!!! such sweet sweet things he did for you!! aww.... that's so great!!

Stephanie Robertson said...

so simple and sweet! Just the way I like it.

Ashley said...

I have an award for you (see 11/20 post!)

jennypen said...

I was so happy to read this tonight. He actually got online to figure out how to make coffee for you?! He's good. Really good. :o)

On another note, "So This is Love" just so happens to me my Love's (one of them!) favorite song. You should hear her sing is sometime.

Love you!