Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Worth Your Time to Read

Let me begin by saying that on mornings such as this, I am extremely thankful for those leaders and elders who are far more poignant in their speech than I could ever hope. Let me also say that regardless of how the election was going to turn out last night, Christians were going to be faced with crucial issues to contend with as far as our nation is concerned. Whether political, economic, ethical, or social concerns, Christians are always faced with difficult national and world matters, and I have already heard many commentators make mention of this (some of whom may not even be professing believers).

Please take a few moments today, whether stopping in the middle of a hectic workday, or during your quiet moments of prayer and reflection, and read the post Dr. Al Mohler wrote early this morning. I could not have been so eloquent in writing out my own thoughts regarding this unique and nation-altering election:

America Has Chosen a President

In his blog entry yesterday prior to the election results, Dr. Mohler also listed some specific ways in which we can be praying for our country and her leaders:
  • Pray that God will bless America with leaders better than we deserve.
  • We should pray that Americans will be motivated to fulfill the responsibilities of citizenship, yet also that we will be stripped of an unhealthy and idolatrous confidence in the power of government to save us.
  • We should pray that God will prick the conscience of the nation on issues of morality, righteousness, and respect for marriage as the central institution of human civilization.
  • We should pray that this election would lead to even greater opportunities to preach the Gospel, and that the freedom of the church will be respected, honored, and protected.
  • We must pray for the church, praying that the church of the Lord Jesus Christ would be strengthened in the truth, grounded in the faith, and empowered for witness and ministry.
  • May God grant us mercy and grace as we seek to fulfill our responsibilities as citizens -- and our responsibilities as Christians. This world is not our home, but we do bear responsibilities as followers of Christ as we are living here. May God bless America, not because this nation deserves to be blessed, but because He is a God of grace and mercy. Oh God . . . save us from ourselves.


Terri said...

I love that! Very insightful and I pray that all Christians will look at it that way!

Ashley said...

Great reads! Thanks for sharing.